GCC Dataset

GCC dataset consists of 15,212 images, with resolution of 1080×1920, containing 7,625,843 persons. Compared with the existing datasets, GCC is a more large-scale crowd counting dataset in both the number of images and the number of persons.

Table 1 shows the basic information of GCC and the existing datasets. In addition to the above advantages, GCC is more diverse than other real-world datasets.

Dataset Number of Images Average Resolution Count Statistics
Total Min Age Max
UCSD 2,000 158 × 238 49,885 11 25 46
Mall 2,000 480 × 640 62,325 13 31 53
UCF_CC_50 50 2101 × 2888 63,974 94 1,279 4,543
WorldExpo10 3,980 576 × 720 199,932 1 50 253
SHT A 482 589 × 868 241,677 33 501 3,139
SHT B 716 768 × 1024 88,488 9 123 578
UCF-QNRF 1,525 2013 × 2902 1,251,642 49 815 12,865
GCC 15,212 1080 × 1920 7,625,843 0 501 3995

Table 1. Statistics of the seven real-world datasets and the synthetic GCC dataset.

Deep Learning Model for Crowd Counting


Supervised Crowd Counting

We present a pretrained scheme to prompt the original method's performance on the real data, which effectively reduces the estimation errors compared with random initialization and ImageNet model, respectively. Further, through the strategy, our proposed SFCN achieves the state-of-the-art results.


Crowd Counting via Domain Adaptation

We propose a crowd counting method via domain adaptation, which can effectively learn domain-invariant feature between synthetic and real data. To be specific, we present a SSIM Embedding (SE) Cycle GAN to transform the synthetic image to the photo-realistic image. Then we will train a SFCN on the translated data. Finally, we directly test the model on the real data.


Please cite the following paper if you use our work.

    title={Learning from Synthetic Data for Crowd Counting in the Wild},
    author={Wang, Qi and Gao, Junyu and Lin, Wei and Yuan, Yuan},
    booktitle={Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},